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Save our Future! - A Tree Planting Activity

"He who plants a tree plants a hope."

-Lucy Larcom

After 2 months, the Pollution Control Advocates are back in Mt. Maranat to plant more trees. This time, we decided to stay overnight so we’ll have longer time and more strength for the activity next day. We assembled at the jump off around three in the afternoon and begin our hike a little past 4 PM. The mountain’s trail was beautiful at night, we can see the city lights and the moon was remarkable. Everything was going perfect until the rain poured heavily mid-way our trek, we had to keep up the pace because the rain will fill the river with water.

For those who are not aware, Mt. Maranat’s main attraction are the marvelous waterfalls in the mountain. And yes, you have to go through a river crossing for you to reach the campsite. In our case, when we reached the river the storm was ferocious and the current was consequently strong we had to hold each other’s hand while crossing. I remember the advocates being very thankful and relieved when we reached the campsite.

Despite the previous night’s extreme adventure, we all woke up early the following day. We had a big breakfast then we proceeded with our much-awaited Tree Planting activity. The theme of the event was “Save our Future, Plant trees.” We aim to raise awareness to the society on the importance of planting and saving trees in maintaining the health of our Environment.

I remembered the Tree Planting activity last June to be very fulfilling, thinking of the trees we are leaving behind to future generations. But this time, the experience was surreal and overwhelming. Seeing more and more people look out for the Environment, seeing the joy in their faces as they build strong relationships with each other by working hand in hand in preserving our Ecosystem. All the sweat and exhaustion from the planning of the event, to the coordination, up-to the execution were all melted away by these passionate advocates.

With all these things that we are doing, we can only say one thing, we won’t stop until everyone on this Planet shares the same passion and compassion towards our mother nature with us.

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